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Discover Excellence in Liberal Arts and Sciences

The College of Arts & Sciences (CAS) is dedicated to fostering a vibrant academic community that emphasizes a pursuit of excellence. Here, students experience transformative education through a comprehensive curriculum rooted in the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Prepare for a multidisciplinary educational journey that builds a strong foundation for critical thinking, effective communication, and interdisciplinary exploration.

College Highlights 

  • Diverse Majors: Choose from English literature, psychology, biology, chemistry, physics, and computer science, among others.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Engage in programs that encourage cross-disciplinary studies to broaden your perspectives.
  • Cultivate Critical Thinking: Learn to analyze, debate, and explore significant issues with depth and clarity.



Why Join CAS?

  • Engage with Thought Leaders: Our faculty are committed to mentoring students to think critically and articulate ideas persuasively.
  • Research and Innovation: Participate in original research that shapes our understanding of the world and the future.
  • Career Preparation: Graduates are prepared for a successful professional career and a life of responsible citizenship.

Your Future Starts Here: Join the College of Arts & Sciences and embark on a journey to discover, innovate, and lead in your chosen field.

Download the College of Arts & Sciences curriculum here or search the full AUIB Course Catalog below.

Download 2024 Arts & Sciences Curriculum

Courses Listings for CAS

Dive into the works of iconic authors, enhancing your critical analysis and communication skills.

Why Choose This Program?

  • Critical Thinking: Sharpen analytical skills and in-depth reading abilities.
  • Cultural Insights: Understand Western philosophies and cultural evolution.
  • Global Communication: Master English for professional global interactions.
  • Ethical Foundation: Build ethical perspectives and contribute meaningfully to society.

Program Highlights

  • Flexible Careers: Open doors in law, education, diplomacy, and more.
  • Enhanced Communication: Improve skills in reading, writing, and articulation.
  • Cultural Literacy: Safeguard and transmit literary and cultural heritage.

Career Opportunities

  • Diverse Fields: Enter fields like journalism, education, law, or politics.
  • Global Impact: Prepare for roles in international relations and global business.
  • Advanced Education: Lay a strong foundation for graduate studies.

Enroll Now: Elevate your potential in diverse careers with a deep understanding of English literature.

Decode the complexities of the mind and behavior, equipped with rigorous scientific research skills.

Why Choose This Program?

  • Understanding Behavior: Explore the complex links between thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.
  • Broad Applications: Apply psychological principles across various sectors including healthcare, law, and education.
  • Self-Discovery: Gain deep insights into personal and societal behaviors.

Program Highlights

  • Comprehensive Learning: Study a wide range of psychological disciplines, from biopsychology to cognitive neuroscience.
  • Skill Development: Gain skills in analysis, problem-solving, and interpersonal communication.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Study the impact of psychology on culture, society, and professional practices.

Career Opportunities

  • Versatile Career Paths: Prepare for roles in healthcare, education, corporate sectors, and more.
  • Professional Growth: Step into roles such as psychotherapist, educational psychologist, social worker, HR manager, or pursue advanced studies in specialized areas.
  • Industry Demand: Enter a field with growing demand in various professional environments.

Enroll Now: Start your journey in understanding human behavior and making a significant impact across diverse sectors with a BA in Psychology.

Explore the vast diversity of life and ecosystems, preparing for cutting-edge fields in biological sciences.

Why Choose This Program?

  • Explore Diversity: Dive into the study of life from microscopic cells to complex ecosystems.
  • Real-World Impact: Use your knowledge to tackle pressing issues like disease, environmental conservation, and food security.
  • Comprehensive Understanding: Grasp the intricate chemical and biological processes that sustain life.

Program Highlights

  • Hands-On Learning: Gain practical experience through laboratory work and field studies.
  • Interdisciplinary Approach: Integrate knowledge from chemistry, physics, and computing to understand biological systems.
  • Critical Skills Development: Enhance problem-solving, statistical analysis, and effective communication abilities.

Career Opportunities

  • Broad Industry Appeal: Secure roles in hospitals, biotech firms, environmental agencies, and more.
  • Teaching and Research: Pursue academic careers teaching or researching at leading universities.
  • Versatile Skillset: Leverage your knowledge for careers in management, sales, or science communication.

Enroll Now: Start your journey into the fascinating world of biology and prepare for a dynamic career contributing to solutions for global challenges. 

Master the intricate details of chemical reactions and molecular structures for a career in chemical sciences.

Why Choose This Program?

  • Central Science: Master the science that connects physical, life, and applied sciences.
  • Versatile Knowledge: Learn about the composition, behavior, and transformation of matter.
  • Innovative Discoveries: Contribute to new products and solutions in various industries.

Program Highlights

  • Diverse Disciplines: Study analytical, organic, inorganic, physical, and biochemistry.
  • Hands-On Experience: Gain practical skills through senior research projects and industrial training.
  • Transferable Skills: Develop abilities in scientific research, teamwork, data analysis, and creative problem-solving.

Career Opportunities

  • Wide Industry Reach: Launch careers in the pharmaceutical, environmental, oil and gas, and food industries, among others.
  • Advanced Studies: Pursue further education with MSc and PhD programs in science and engineering disciplines. 

Enroll Now: Join a program that prepares you for a dynamic career in chemistry, addressing global challenges and advancing human knowledge.

Develop a solid foundation in computing theory and software engineering for a dynamic tech career.

Why Choose This Program?

  • Cutting-Edge Field: Stand at the forefront of technology and innovation.
  • High Demand: Benefit from a booming job market across diverse sectors.
  • Career Versatility: Prepare for diverse roles in tech-driven industries.

Program Highlights

  • Core Skills: Learn fundamental skills in programming, software and hardware, data management, and computer security.
  • Customized Learning Tracks: Choose courses like artificial intelligence, cybersecurity, or mobile app development to align with your career goals.
  • Practical Experience: Engage in hands-on projects that prepare you for real-world challenges.

Career Opportunities

  • Broad Industry Demand: Access opportunities in IT, robotics, healthcare, finance, and more.
  • Diverse Roles: Become a software developer, systems analyst, network architect, cybersecurity expert, or leader in emerging tech fields.
  • Global Impact: Work in environments that push the boundaries of innovation and technology.

Enroll Now: Transform your passion for technology into a rewarding career with our dynamic Computer Science program, designed to equip you with the skills needed to excel in the fast-evolving tech landscape.


Understand the fundamental laws of the universe, refining your problem-solving and analytical skills.

Why Choose This Program?

  • Fundamental Science: Master the science that explores everything from subatomic particles to the vast universe.
  • Critical Skills: Develop quantitative analysis, modeling, and problem-solving skills highly valued across industries.
  • Versatile Degree: Acquire a versatile and respected degree that opens doors in various high-impact fields.

Program Highlights

  • Comprehensive Curriculum: Study core topics like mechanics, electromagnetism, and quantum physics that govern our world. 
  • Diverse Specializations: Explore condensed matter, high-energy physics, astrophysics, and more.
  • Practical Experience: Gain hands-on experience through rigorous training and research opportunities.

Career Opportunities

  • Broad Career Paths:  Pursue careers in academia, research, engineering, computing, and beyond. 
  • Diverse Industries: Work in government, private sectors, or industries where physics expertise is unexpected but crucial.
  • High Demand: Join a workforce where physicists are sought after for their deep knowledge and adaptable skill set.

Enroll Now: Embark on a journey to understand the laws of nature and prepare for a dynamic career with a degree in Physics.

Departments Within the College of Arts & Sciences

Bachelor of Science in Biology (120 cr./ 145 units)-Suggested Study Plan

Year Credits
Course Requirements Year Credits
BIO 101: Introductory Biology (CLA) 1 3
CHE 101: General Chemistry I 1 3
CHE 101L: General Chemistry I Lab 1 1
PHY 103: Physics for the Life Sciences I 1 3
PHY 103L: Physics for the Life Sciences I Lab 1 1
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 1 3
MAT 102: Pre-Calculus (CLA) 1 3
CHE 102: General Chemistry II 1 3
CHE 102L: General Chemistry II Lab 1 1
PHY 104: Physics for the Life Sciences II 1 3
PHY 104L: Physics for the Life Sciences II Lab 1 1
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 1 3
BIO 211: General Biology I 2 3
BIO 211L: General Biology Lab I 2 1
CHE 211: Organic Chemistry I 2 3
CHE 211L: Organic Chemistry I Lab 2 1
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
BIO 212: General Biology II 2 3
BIO 212L: General Biology II 2 1
CHE 212: Organic Chemistry II 2 3
CHE 212L: Organic Chemistry II Lab 2 1
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
BIO 210: Biostatistics 3 3
BIO 221: Genetics 3 4
BIO 225: Biochemistry 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
BIO 420: Microbiology 3 4
BIO 421: Cell and Molecular Biology 3 4
BIO XXX: Biology Elective 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
BIO 485: Internship in Biology 3 2
BIO 422: Ecology 4 4
BIO 441: Developmental Biology 4 4
BIO XXX: Biology Elective 4 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 4 3
Free Elective 4 3
BIO 490: Senior Project in Biology 4 3
BIO XXX: Biology Elective 4 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 4 3
Free Elective 4 3

Bachelor of Science in Chemistry (120 cr./ 146.5 units)-Suggested Study Plan

Year Credits
Course Requirements Year Credits
CHE 101: General Chemistry I 1 3
CHE 101L: General Chemistry I Lab 1 1
PHY 101: Principles of Physics I 1 3
PHY 101L: Principles of Physics I Lab 1 1
MAT 111: Calculus I (CLA) 1 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 1 3
CHE 102: General Chemistry II  1 3
CHE 102L: General Chemistry II Lab 1 1
MAT 112: Calculus II 1 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 1 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 1 3
CHE 211: Organic Chemistry I 2 3
CHE 211L: Organic Chemistry I Lab 2 1
CHE 221: Analytical Chemistry 2 3
CHE 221L: Analytical Chemistry Lab 2 1
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
CHE 212: Organic Chemistry II 2 3
CHE 212L: Organic Chemistry II Lab 2 1
CHE 241: Physical Chemistry I 2 3
CHE 241L: Physical Chemistry I Lab 2 1
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
CHE 311: Identification of Organic Compounds 3 3
CHE 341: Physical Chemistry II  3 3
CHE 341L: Physical Chemistry II Lab 3 1
Major Elective 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
CHE 225: Biochemistry 3 3
CHE 225L: Biochemistry Lab 3 1
CHE 331: Basic Concepts of Inorganic Chemistry 3 3
Major Elective 3 3
Free Elective 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
CHE 352: Industrial Training 3 3
CHE 322: Instrumental Analysis 4 3
CHE 322L: Instrumental Analysis Lab 4 1
Major Elective 4 3
Free Elective 4 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 4 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 4 3
CHE 480: Senior Seminar in Chemistry 4 2
CHE 490: Senior Project 4 3
Major Elective 4 3
Free Elective 4 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 4 3

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (126 cr./ 144 units)-Suggested Study Plan

Year Credits
Course Requirements Year Credits
CSC 101: Introduction to Computer Science (CLA) 1 3
CSC 140: Introduction to C Programming 1 3
MAT 111: Calculus I (CLA) 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
MAT 112: Calculus II 1 3
CSC 132: Digital Logic 1 3
CSC 230: Object-Oriented Computing 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
CSC 231: Data Structure 2 3
CSC 345: Introduction to Database 2 3
MAT 202: Discrete Mathematics 2 3
CLA 2 3
CLA 2 3
MAT 130: Linear Algebra 2 3
CSC 313: Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 2 3
CSC 343: Theory of Computation/Complier 2 3
CSC 337: Software Engineering 2 3
CLA 2 3
CSC 390: Internship I in Computer Science 2 3
CSC 445: Introduction to Computer Networks 3 3
CSC 450: Fundamentals of Operating Systems 3 3
Major Elective 3 3
Free Elective 3 3
CLA 3 3
STA 210: Applied Probability and Statistics  3 3
CSC 364: Computer Architecture 3 3
CSC 422: Digital Image Processing 3 3
Major Elective 3 3
Free Elective 3 3
CSC 391: Internship II in Computer Science 3 3
CSC 499: Senior Project 4 3
Major Elective 4 3
Free Elective 4 3
CLA 4 3
CLA 4 3
CSC 448: Introduction to Cyber Security 4 3
Major Elective 4 3
Free Elective 4 3
CLA 4 3
CLA 4 3

Bachelor of Arts in English Literature (120 cr./ 144 units)-Suggested Study Plan

Year Credits
Course Requirements Year Credits
ENL 101: Expository Writing (CLA) 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
LIT 101: Introduction to World Literature (CLA) 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
ENL 201: Academic Writing (CLA) 2 3
LIT 201: Introduction to Literary Analysis 2 3
LIT 220: British Literature Survey I 2 3
LIT 221: American Literature Survey I 2 3
CLA 2 3
ENL 212: Introduction to Linguistics 2 3
CLA 2 3
LIT 240: British Literature Survey II 2 3
LIT 241: American Literature Survey II 2 3
CLA 2 3
LIT 320: Shakespeare 3 3
LIT 330: Modernism & Postmodernism: The Literature of 3 3
ENL 330: Advanced Composition & Creative Writing 3 3
Literature Elective 3 3
Literature Elective 3 3
LIT 333: Modern Fantasy Works 3 3
Literature Elective 3 3
ENL 321: Vocabulary Enhancement 3 3
Literature Elective 3 3
LIT 389: Practicum in English Literature & Language 3 3
LIT 390: Internship Experience 3 3
LIT 410: Advanced Literary Theory 4 3
LIT 421: Responses to the Land: Histories and Literatures of the Environment 4 3
LIT 498: Independent Study I 4 3
Literature Elective 4 3
Free Elective 4 3
LIT 451: American Women Poets 4 3
LIT 499: Independent Study II 4 3
Literature Elective 4 3
Free Elective 4 3

Bachelor of Science in Physics (120 cr./ 144.5 units)-Suggested Study Plan

Year Credits
Course Requirements Year Credits
PHY 101: Principles of Physics I 1 3
PHY 101L Principles of Physics I Lab 1 1
MAT 111: Calculus I 1 3
CHE 101: General Chemistry I 1 3
CHE101L: General Chemistry I Lab 1 1
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 1 3
PHY 102: Principles of Physics II 1 3
PHY 102L: Principles of Physics II Lab 1 1
MAT 112: Calculus II 1 3
MAT 130: Linear Algebra 1 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 1 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 1 3
PHY 211: Modern Physics 2 3
PHY 211L: Modern Physics Lab 2 1
MAT 113: Calculus III 2 3
MAT 220: Ordinary Differential Equations 2 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
PHY 221: Classical Mechanics 2 3
PHY 241: Mathematical Methods for Physics 2 3
PHY 212: Physics of Waves and Vibrations 2 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 2 3
PHY 352: Quantum Mechanics I 3 3
PHY 350: Electromagnetic Theory I 3 3
PHY 331: Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
PHY 351: Electromagnetic Theory II 3 3
PHY 320L: Junior Physics Laboratory 3 2
PHYXXX: Major Elective 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 3 3
PHY 389: Internship in Physics 3 3
PHY 360: Advanced Physics Laboratory 4 3
PHYXXX: Major Elective 4 3
PHYXXX: Major Elective 4 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 4 3
Free Elective 4 3
PHY 499: Senior Project 4 3
PHYXXX: Major Elective 4 3
CLA: Core Liberal Arts 4 3
Free Elective 4 3

Bachelor of Arts in Psychology (120 cr./144 units)- Suggested Study Plan

Year Credits
Course Requirements Year Credits
PSY 101: Introduction to Psychology (CLA) 1 3
ENL 101: Expository Writing (CLA) 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
ENL 201: Academic Writing (CLA) 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
CLA 1 3
PSY 210: Lifespan Developmental Psychology 2 3
PSY 220: Biopsychology 2 3
PSY 230: Cognitive Psychology 2 3
CLA 2 3
CLA 2 3
PSY 240: Social Psychology 2 3
PSY 270: Research Methods in Psychology I 2 3
Psychology elective 2 3
CLA 2 3
CLA 2 3
PSY 320: Psychology of learning 3 3
PSY 370: Research Methods in Psychology II 3 3
Psychology elective 3 3
Psychology elective 3 3
Free elective 3 3
PSY 310: Analysis of Psychological Data 3 3
PSY 330: Organizational Psychology 3 3
PSY 340: Cultural Psychology 3 3
Psychology elective 3 3
PSY 390: Practicum in Psychology 3 3
PSY 480: Internship in Psychology 3 3
PSY 450: Introduction to Trauma Studies 4 3
PSY 490: Independent Study I 4 3
Psychology elective 4 3
Psychology elective 4 3
Free elective 4 3
PSY 470: Seminar in Psychology 4 3
PSY 491: Independent Study II 4 3
Psychology elective 4 3
Psychology elective 4 3


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