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Office Contacts
Admissions and Registration Dept
Our office is responsible for University registration services, offering resources like academic calendars, semester class schedules, final exam timetables, as well as guidance for online registration and enrollment management. Additionally, we maintain and issue official AUIB transcripts, ensuring accurate student academic records.
The Department of Finance and Accounting is the University’s trusted financial responsibility center. We strive to be student-centered while maintaining fiscal integrity and providing financial expertise, information, and solutions to enable the AUIB community to operate in the most cost-effective and accountable manner by following U.S. Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (U.S. GAAP).
Human Resources Dept.
Our Vision is to be a center of excellence in advancing the University’s mission by helping make AUIB an outstanding place to work, grow, and thrive. Our Mission is to recruit, develop, retain, and support a diverse and talented workforce that reflects the fullness of Iraq’s diverse society, and partner in maintaining a productive, dynamic, and inclusive work environment.
Information Technology Dept.
The hallmark of AUIB’s Information Technology (IT) department is to secure specialized skills and personnel of the highest caliber to deliver and maintain the high-end IT solutions and services to the AUIB family, keeping the environment operational, productive, agile, innovative, and continually on the forefront of the educational structures.
Marketing and Communications
The Office of University Communications and Marketing offers support to the university community in strategic communications and support and consulting in all areas of media relations, social media, photography and video services, marketing of events and programs, web services, and branding across all areas of the university.
Office of Research
The AUIB Center for Research and Development (CRD) is a research center that deals with diverse human and scientific fields and specializations, both theoretical and applied. It is being established at the AUIB to serve as the primary link between the university, research institutions, professors, and researchers.
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