World-leading Middle Eastern politics expert and Distinguished Honorary Professor at the American University of Iraq-Baghdad (AUIB), Professor Gareth Stansfield, has been awarded the title, “Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire,” in recognition of his scientific contributions and public service.

“I am delighted to receive this honor in recognition of my work in Iraq and the Kurdistan Region. My research and engagement have taken me to many parts of the Middle East, and I have been fortunate to work alongside many gifted colleagues and students across the region, in government departments, and of course in Iraq and in (the English city of) Exeter,” said Professor Stansfield, who currently serves as the Pro-Vice Chancellor and Executive Dean for the Faculty of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Exeter.

Professor Stansfield has been an advisor and regular commentator on Middle Eastern affairs for more than two decades, focusing on the political economy of Iraq and the Kurdish regions, the security dynamics of the Arabian Gulf area, and questions of post-conflict stabilization and state-building. He was recently appointed as Honorary President of the AUIB Iraq Energy Institute (IEI), the first incumbent from outside Iraq to hold the prestigious role. In this capacity, Professor Stansfield provides leadership and support to building the pivotal “Transition and Climate Change” program for Iraq, contributing to the country’s efforts at attaining a sustainable future. Professor Stansfield is a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts (FRSA) and of the Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS).