Iraq’s National Security Advisor, Mr. Qassem Al-Aaraji, visited the American University of Iraq-Baghdad’s (AUIB’s) campus, where he was received by the university’s president, Dr. Michael Mulnix, and members of faculty and staff.

Upon touring the AUIB campus and facilities, Mr. Al-Aaraji expressed his great joy and admiration of the “grand educational institution” that opens up prospects of “a different world”, and serves as “a portal to (collaboration with) world esteemed universities”, according to Al-Aaraji who regarded AUIB as “the foremost in Iraq with respect to potential, infrastructure, and favorable atmosphere” for the nurturing of a new generation of outstanding students, which the country greatly needs.

Mr. Al-Aaraji heard Dr. Mulnix expound on AUIB’s various expansion projects, including the founding of elementary, intermediate, and high schools on the university’s premises, in addition to the establishment of several new university colleges, providing a wide array of offered academic programs. Furthermore, Iraq’s National Security Advisor expressed his being “proud of the university’s system”, promising his support and “provision of all means of success” to AUIB, considering the latter’s success one “for Iraq as a whole, and a strong incentive for investors to make such great achievements that (successive) governments cannot realize because of economic difficulties.”

The American University of Iraq – Baghdad is a non-profit university founded in 2018. It currently has eight colleges.