Dare to Dream

The Dare to Dream fundraising campaign, focuses on raising funds for crucial university priorities. Chief among these is the drive to fund scholarships, providing the youth of Iraq with opportunities to excel in their careers, pioneer new businesses, offer healthcare solutions, and innovate in addressing societal challenges. A contribution of $10,000 annually over a four-year period enables donors to establish a current full scholarship for one AUIB undergraduate student or a partial scholarship for two undergraduate students.

Despite the formidable challenges confronting Iraq and the region, AUIB remains resolutely committed to finding innovative solutions. Introducing the first American-style higher education system in Baghdad, we aspire to serve students from Iraq and the surrounding region for generations to come.

For more detailed information about our initiatives, kindly reach out to us via email at donate@auib.edu.iq. Your support is instrumental in shaping the future of education and making a lasting impact in Iraq and beyond.