Faculty Senate Preamble

The AUIB faculty senate is the representative and legislative body of the university faculty. It contributes to the governance of academic affairs. It derives authority from those powers and duties delegated by the Board of Trustees. This Senate collaborates in partnership with the president, the administration, and the students. It shears responsibility to advance the common welfare of the university community.

Statement of Purpose

The Faculty Senate Constitution and Bylaws provide an instrument for faculty governance. It ensures the quality, consistency, and propriety of the curriculum taught at the American University of Iraq, Baghdad. It delineates faculty senate members’ conduct on academic policy legislation (within the Senate responsibility) and the president’s counsel.

Constitution of the American University of Iraq, Baghdad Faculty Senate

Table of Contents

The name of this organization shall be the Faculty Senate of the American University of Iraq, Baghdad.

  • Edmund Christopher Melville – President
  • Paul Sundberg – Secretary
  • Rasha Ismail – Chair of CRC
  • Dhrgam Al Kafaf – Chair of ERC
  • Farid Nabti – Advisor to Senate President

Section 1- Membership: All academic faculty members with a full-time contract shall be considered members of the Senate.

Section 2- Non-Voting Members: The President, the Vice President for Academic Affairs, [the Deans of a College, the Chief Librarian] and the Director of the English Language Academic Program shall be non-voting members of the Faculty Senate. The Faculty Senate members may vote to designate other university members as non-voting members upon nomination by the AUIB president. Non-voting members have the same rights as academic faculty members (such as attending meetings and taking the floor in turn) but do not count toward a quorum and may not cast votes on any issue.

Meetings of the Faculty Senate and all its components are conducted by following Robert’s Rules of Order. Should a conflict arise among Robert’s Rules of Order, the Articles of the Faculty Senate Constitution, the Bylaws of AUIB, and the Procedural and general Resolutions for the Faculty Senate, the order of precedence shall be: First the AUIB Bylaws, second the Articles of the Faculty Senate Constitution, third the Procedural and general Resolutions, and then Robert’s Rules of Order.

Section 1- The Senate shall consider all academic matters, including those from the set of committees: both standing committees and ad hoc or working committees, assigned areas of responsibility for policy formation.

Section 2- The Senate Secretary takes minutes of the Faculty Senate and Executive Committee. The minutes shall be approved and published within seven days, and decisions made that require action noted.

Section 3- The Faculty Senate shall hold general meetings at least once a month during the fall and spring semesters. All meetings shall be called with an agenda published on the AUIB Faculty Senate webpage one week before the meeting. Meetings shall be open to all members of the Senate to attend. Agenda items may be added at a Senate meeting by the consent of the members present as signified by a majority vote.

Section 4- Results of Meetings and Deliberations

  • Motions, recommendations, or actions generated by the Senate through discussion and passed by the body shall be referred to the AUIB President and the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  • Authorizing legislation varies, university Bylaws, statutes of the Government of the Republic of Iraq, as well as the types of recommendations made. Notification to the Faculty Senate when a said recommendation was accepted in whole, in part, or rejected can occur by the Board of Trustees, the AUIB president, or their designees.

A simple majority (more than 50%) of the members shall constitute a quorum for a Faculty Senate meeting. A 2/3 majority of those attending or a simple majority of all members is required to pass any resolution, whichever is less.

This document may be amended at any regular meeting of the Senate by a majority vote of all active Faculty Senate members, provided that the proposed amendment is submitted in writing to each member two weeks before the meeting.

Section 1- Rules for Election of Officers (Executive Committee): To stand for election as an officer, a person must have served at least one year as a voting member on the Faculty Senate. Each officer shall serve a term of one year, after which they shall serve in an advisory capacity for incoming officers. Officers shall be eligible for re-election one year after they leave the office. A term of office shall end on September 30 and begin on October 1 except for the inaugural Senate’s executive committee. The term begins February 17, 2021, and concludes September 30, 2022. If an officer cannot fulfill the terms of office, a replacement is selected in a manner determined by the Executive Committee.

Section 2- Roles and Responsibilities: The Executive Committee members have clearly defined roles and responsibilities.

  • The President Faculty Senate is responsible for setting, publishing the agenda, and administrating the Faculty Senate meetings. The Faculty Senate President possesses no veto power.
  • The Secretary Faculty Senate Putnam is responsible for keeping detailed records of Senate meetings, and publishing minutes after approval. Minutes shall be published within seven days of approval.
  • The Treasurer—Shall be responsible for keeping detailed records of all financial transactions involving the Faculty Senate and shall present a detailed financial report to the Senate once per semester of all business that involves financial matters regarding the Faculty Senate.

Section 1- Function: The Executive Committee oversees the administration of the Faculty Senate.

Section 2- Composition: This body shall consist of a President, immediate past President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Standing Committee Chairs. The immediate past president shall be responsible in an advisory capacity to provide general continuity. S/he shall serve ex officio for one year. The standing committee chairs are responsible to inform the Executive Committee members on the activities of their committee. Committees shall create their structures suitable for addressing their assignments; these shall be communicated to the Executive and placed on record.

Section 1- Curriculum Review Committee (CRC)

  • Function: There shall exist a permanent committee composed of equal representation of each college that shall oversee the development, maintenance, consistency, and pedagogical efficacy of the University’s curriculum. The CRC shall be responsible for approving all changes to existing courses, prerequisites, approval of new courses, and establishing graduation requirements for each degree program.
  • Composition: Voting members of the CRC shall consist of one faculty representative from each academic college and one faculty member appointed by the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Deputy to the Vice President for Academic Affairs, as an ex officio member, shall sit on the committee, record minutes, and liaise with the Vice President for Academic Affairs. The Vice President for Academic Affairs is regarded as an ex officio member of the Curriculum Review Committee.
  • Elections: College representatives shall be elected by each college, and each shall serve for a term of two years. Elections shall be staggered so that half of the committee is to be newly elected each year. Elections shall occur during the first college meeting of the academic year for each college with a vacant seat. College representatives must have been affiliated with AUIB for at least one semester before they may serve on the CRC. Exceptions to these rules require the approval of the Vice President for Academic Affairs. Any exceptions to the membership rules shall be documented in the committee minutes.
  • Chairmanship: The chair of the CRC shall be elected by the committee members during the first CRC meeting of the academic year; this meeting must take place within the first two weeks of the Fall Semester. The chair shall serve for a term of one year. Only those who have served on the CRC for at least one semester are eligible to be elected Chair.
  • Reporting: The Chair of the CRC shall report directly to the Faculty Senate at least once per semester. (f) Rules, Roles, and Responsibilities: The CRC must develop and maintain rules, roles, and responsibilities consistent with the Senate Bylaws. The extant rules of the CRC are as follows:
    • The CRC shall be convened as needed throughout the academic year. College representatives may name seconds from their college to vote in their place if they cannot attend a scheduled meeting. Seconds are not required.
    • If the Chair is not present to convene a meeting of the committee and has not arranged for another member to act as chair, any other member of the committee may convene a meeting in the Chair’s absence provided all members are duly notified of the meeting and the agenda. If a quorum of voting members is present, the committee may elect a chair pro tempore for that meeting only and conduct business.
    • A draft agenda shall be distributed to committee members one week before the committees’ scheduled meeting date. Additional items can be added to the agenda by committee members. These items can be submitted to the Committee Chair before a CRC meeting or at the beginning of the CRC meeting.
    • Meeting minutes shall be made available to the committee members within one week of a CRC meeting. Meeting minutes, once approved, shall be posted on the appropriate website.
    • Online voting may be used to approve new course proposals, new degree proposals, or changes to courses and degree plans. The committee members shall be emailed a link to an online voting document within one week of an action item being discussed and the committee’s approval to move forward with an online vote.
    • A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the voting members of the committee. A quorum represents the minimum number of CRC members required to convene a CRC meeting, formally review course or degree proposals, and vote.
    • A simple majority of the convened committee is required to add items to the agenda or approve new courses, degree programs, minors, or concentrations. For online voting the term ‘convened committee’ implies the entire membership of the CRC.
    • A two-thirds majority of the entire membership is required to modify the CRC’s voting rules, membership rules, or roles and responsibilities documents. Proposed changes to these documents must be distributed in writing one week before a full meeting of the CRC.
  • Criteria for CRC Review: The following types of curricular changes must go through the CRC:
    • Adding or dropping a course.
    • Adding or dropping a minor, major, or concentration.
    • Changing an existing course [Substantial changes, i.e., course description, prerequisites, title, or number].
    • Changing the curricular requirements of an existing major, minor, or concentration.
    • Changing the name of a College, program, major, minor, or concentration.
  • Procedure for CRC Review: Changes may be initiated through the following procedure:
    • Any faculty member may initiate a change. The originator must fill out the curriculum change proposal form and, in the case of adding a course, attach a syllabus for the new course.
    • The originator brings the proposal to his/her college dean for approval.
    • Curricular changes that involve more than one college must have the signed approval of the dean for each college involved.
    • The college dean compiles curricular changes for the college, writes an executive summary, and submits them to the CRC for approval. These must be submitted in soft copy to the CRC Chair, and they must be submitted before the change proposal deadline.
    • The CRC reviews the proposed changes and may invite the appropriate college dean and/or originator to the CRC meeting to explain or defend the proposals.
    • If approved, the CRC shall submit the changes to the Vice President for Academic Affairs and the Registrar to incorporate them into the university curriculum for the next semester.
    • If the proposals are not approved, the committee shall return them to the appropriate college dean with a description of why the changes could not be approved at that time.

Section 2- Educational Resources Committee (ERC)

  • Function: The ERC is responsible to the Faculty Senate Executive Committee for auditing, evaluating, and making recommendations concerning all university educational resources, including but not limited to the equipping, staffing, technology, and space requirements of the university libraries (book collection, subscriptions, e-resources), Writing and Math Centers, and computer and research labs allocated to the faculty and students.
  • Advisory role: Additionally, at the request of the university administration, the CRC, or other Faculty Senate committees, the ERC shall evaluate and advise on program and course proposals concerning their effect on university educational resources.
  • Composition: The ERC shall include one representative from each academic college and one non-voting member appointed by the university Vice President for Finance and Administration.
  • Elections: College representatives shall be elected* by each college, and each shall serve for a term of two years. Elections shall be staggered so that half of the committee is to be newly elected each year. Elections shall occur during the first college meeting of the academic year for each college with a vacant seat.
  • Chairmanship: The Chair of the ERC shall be elected by the committee members during the first ERC meeting of the academic year; this meeting must take place within the first two weeks of the Fall Semester. The Chair shall serve for a term of one year. Only those who have served on the ERC for at least one semester are eligible to be elected Chair.
  • Reporting: The Chair of the ERC shall report directly to the Faculty Senate at least once per semester. (g) Rules, Roles, and Responsibilities: The ERC must develop and maintain rules, roles, and responsibilities consistent with the Senate Bylaws. The standing rules of the ERC are as follows:
    • Reporting: The Chair of the ERC shall report directly to the Faculty Senate at least once per semester. (g) Rules, Roles, and Responsibilities: The ERC must develop and maintain rules, roles, and responsibilities consistent with the Senate Bylaws. The standing rules of the ERC are as follows:
    • If the Chair is not present to convene a meeting of the committee and has not arranged for another member to act as chair, any other member of the committee may convene a meeting in the Chair’s absence provided all members are duly notified of the meeting and the agenda. If a quorum of voting members is present, the committee may elect a chair pro tempore for that meeting only and conduct business.
    • A draft agenda shall be distributed to committee members one week before the committees’ scheduled meeting date. Additional items can be added to the agenda by committee members. These items can be submitted to the Committee Chair before an ERC meeting or at the beginning of the ERC meeting.
    • Meeting minutes shall be made available to the committee members within one week of an ERC meeting. Meeting minutes, once approved, shall be posted on the appropriate website.
    • The committee members shall be emailed a link for any online voting document within one week of an action item being discussed and the committees’ approval to move forward with an online vote.
    • A quorum shall consist of two-thirds of the voting members of the committee. A quorum represents the minimum number of ERC members required to convene an ERC meeting, formally review proposals, and vote.
    • A simple majority of the convened committee is required to add items to the agenda. For online voting the term ‘convened committee’ implies the entire membership of the ERC.
    • A two-thirds majority of the entire membership is required to modify the ERC’s voting rules, membership rules, or roles and responsibilities documents. Proposed changes to these documents must be distributed in writing seven days before a full meeting of the ERC.

Section 1- Establishment: The Senate and/or the Executive Committee may establish ad hoc committees whose existence may not last for more than one year unless their existence is extended by specific action of the Senate and/or Executive Committee. Section 2- Scope: Ad hoc Committees address issues not presently within the purview of the Faculty Standing Committees and may be proposed from time to time, as needed, by the President, Vice President for Academic Affairs, or faculty. When the faculty or the administration establishes any committee having campus-wide responsibilities or authority, they shall file with the Secretary of the Faculty Senate a statement specifying the responsibilities, authority, and composition of the committee, together with a list of current members.

1- Publication of the Constitution and Committee Membership: The Secretary of the Faculty shall maintain in a publicly accessible, open location (such as a website or AUIB intranet), the current edition of these articles, a list of the officers and members of the Faculty Senate, and the membership of all Standing committees defined elsewhere in these articles.

Section 2- Contents: The name, responsibilities, authority, and current members of all other committees which have university-wide responsibilities or authority shall be similarly posted. The information shall be updated within thirty (30) days of any change in committee status.

AUIB Statement of Academic Freedom

Academic freedom is central to the intellectual life of the American University of Iraq, Baghdad. We believe that all members of the University possess both the right and the responsibility to follow an argument wherever it may lead; that intellectual inquiry must be protected against those who would reject it, silence it, or punish it; and that the pursuit of truth properly lies at the core of all university life and is fundamental to human progress.

AUIB Statement of Academic Responsibility

Academic freedom is an essential factor in the role of AUIB faculty and promoting it in both AUIB research and teaching is at the heart of our cultural endeavor. The following statement adapted from that of the American Association of University Professors (aaup@aaup.org 1915, 1940, 1970) specifies what this entails.

AUIB faculty are entitled to full freedom in research and the publication of the results, subject to the adequate performance of their other academic duties. The Vice President for Academic Affairs should be informed of any research conducted for pecuniary return, which may be limited by university regulation.

AUIB faculty are entitled to freedom in the classroom in discussing their subject, but they should be careful not to introduce into their teaching a controversial matter which has no relation to their subject. Faculty are responsible to use good judgment when handling topics of local cultural sensitivity.

AUIB faculty are individuals, members of a learned profession, and officers of an educational institution. When they speak or write as individuals or scholars, they should be free from institutional censorship or discipline, but their special position in the community imposes special obligations. As scholars and educational officers, they should remember that both local and foreign public may judge their profession and institution by their utterances. Hence, they should be accurate, should exercise appropriate restraint, should show respect for the opinions of others, and when speaking as individuals should explicitly indicate that they are not speaking for the AUIB institution.