The Ambassador of Italy in Iraq, Mr. Maurizio Greganti, visited the American University of Iraq-Baghdad (AUIB), where he discussed with its President, Dr. Michael Mulnix, and members of its faculty and staff, the prospects of future collaboration between the University and various Italian organizations and companies, as well as developing and expanding the existing partnerships between AUIB and its Italian counterparts.

President Mulnix gave a warm welcome to Ambassador Greganti, who was made familiar with the University’s programs, projects, and facilities. President Mulnix announced that the two parties discussed “various partnerships,” including “the possibility of having Italy’s involvement with AUIB hospital, and many other important projects” undertaken by the University.

In turn, Ambassador Greganti expressed his “great pleasure” at his first visit to AUIB, congratulating its President, faculty, and staff for the “outstanding project” that had materialized over the last few years. “My strong hope is that we can cooperate and become partners,” said Ambassador Greganti, pointing out that the Italian state, as well as various Italian firms, could help in realizing AUIB’s ambitious programs, projects, and initiatives, and that the “strong cooperation with some Italian universities” that AUIB already has could be developed further. “Be assured we’ll do our best to support you, and (that we will) work together,” concluded Ambassador Greganti.