Borrowing books & renewals

Patrons can borrow library books by specific periods. These periods vary as per the category of patron (student, faculty, staff, external).

Category Number of books Length of loan (days)


Number of books

Length of loan 



30 days



15 days



15 days


Borrowed books should be returned on or before the due date. A loan can be extended if the book is not requested by another patron. Reference and reserve books cannot be borrowed. Books should be returned at the Reference & circulation Desk.

Book loan may be renewed one time, if they are not reserved by others. patrons can renew their books online through the Library Online Catalog, by email or by visiting the Reference and Circulation desk.


Patrons are responsible for returning books in the same condition as borrowed. Any damaged book returned to the Library will entail fines to the borrower’s record. Types of damage for which users will be charged for include — but are not limited to — water damage, pen/pencil marks, highlighting, torn/ripped pages or covers, sticky notes and animal damage. The responsible user will be liable to either buy a replacement copy or pay its full price plus handling and processing fees.


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