Student Success Center

An AUIB student is not afraid of challenges! Choosing to study in English at the university level, in an intellectual environment that encourages you to think differently, to challenge assumptions, and to reach your own conclusions through research and study is demanding. The AUIB experience will definitely be challenging, but we don’t want it to be overwhelming. However, it is true that almost every student at some point in his or her university studies will find these challenges to be overwhelming and even discouraging. It is very normal, in fact, for students to need extra help beyond what their professor can offer in the classroom. This is true from the most gifted student to the most challenged one. If that happens to you, we are here to help.

A student might struggle with academic English and need some one-on-one help in writing papers or preparing a presentation. Another student might feel overwhelmed or depressed and just needs someone to talk to about personal problems, someone who can help them work through their feelings and get them back on track. Perhaps a student is having difficulty understanding concepts in difficult subjects and needs some tutoring on a particular topic. Or maybe a student is a victim of bullying or harassment of some form and needs help.

On the other hand, a high-achieving student may struggle with personal and social issues, as well as parental or societal pressures regarding fields of study and career choices. Another student may be highly gifted and not struggling academically, yet still has problems making friends, or being bored in school, or thinking they are not being challenged enough. Whatever the issue, the Student Success Center is here to help!

When any student at AUIB is faced with a problem or challenge they cannot handle on their own, whether in the academic program or with personal issues, the Student Success Center is here to help. We want you to succeed in every way at AUIB and for your experience with us to be positive. Call, email, or just drop by and let’s discuss how we can help you. After all, your success is our success!

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